Smith's Wrecker Service in Holly Springs, Mississippi

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Smith's Wrecker Service

Main Headquarters:
1462 Higdon Road
Holly Springs, MS 38635

Phone Number:
(662) 252-1846

Smith's Wrecker Service provides services in the field of Towing. The business is located in Holly Springs, Mississippi, United States. Their telephone number is (662) 252-1846.

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Customer Ratings and Reviews

Smith's Wrecker Service rating:5 out of 5 based on 1 user reviews.
User Rating
GREAT service!
Date Submitted: 2011-12-21
I was driving out to Memphis, TN on 12/18/2011 when my car broke down. Since it was Sunday, this place was the only wrecker service open. Kenny Smith, the man who runs the service was kind enough to have my car towed to his shop for $100 (the car was towed from between exits 36 and 30 on US 78/Future I-22). He had one of his best mechanics (Mr. Greg Wilson) take a look at the car (a 2000 mustang), and he quickly found the cause of the breakdown and came up with an estimate. We had to wait until the next day due to parts availability (not a lot of places are open out there on sundays) and financial concerns [on MY end, not theirs]. Despite the wait and a total of about $560 (100 for the tow to the shop, 200 labor, $256 for parts [air compressor, freon, power steering fluid, drive belt and anti-freeze/coolant]),the repair was done quite well. I highly recommend these guys!
PROS: quick and good service, good price, easy to work with.

CONS: Since they are an small-sized independent garage, they don't accept Cards or Checks, Cash only.
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Helpful Tip for: Towing

 Towing, in Holly Springs, is the process of pulling or hauling a car, barge, trailer, etc, by a rope, chain, or other device. It finds its use on other road vehicles, waterborne vessels, and tractors to carry or transport them to their destinations, when they cannot be driven by any means.

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