Monsanto Now Giving Presentations in Public School Classrooms

By: Lee Ann Rush

Recently we discussed the benefits of bringing programs that teach basic gardening and ecology into the public schools, and noted that the number of these school-based programs is on the rise across the United States. The folks at Monsanto have apparently gotten wind of that fact as well, and they don’t seem to like it at all. Clearly not satisfied that their Frankenfoods and GMO crops are replacing the American food supply with poison and pitting many small farmers who prefer to use their own seed stock against armies of corporate attorneys, the folks who brought us Agent Orange and Roundup are now taking their disinformation campaign directly into our public schools.

According to and, representatives from Monsanto have been visiting middle schools to spread their propaganda to seventh-grade students. The program follows a rather predictable pattern: children are told lies (“high fructose corn syrup isn’t bad for people and has no bearing on obesity”) and half-truths (“Monsanto creates thousands of jobs throughout the world;” no mention of the fact that Monsanto has taken over seed production around the globe or that these seeds are all GMO) while being bombarded with sweetness-and-light fairy tales about all the “good” things the company supposedly does. At one particular school near St. Louis, a physical education/health class full of 12-year-olds was shown a 47-minute Monsanto PowerPoint presentation, and each child was given a deck of playing cards with the Monsanto logo on the front, and Monsanto-speak “facts” on the reverse. No mention at all about GMOs
labeling of GMO foods, chemicals being sprayed onto or programmed into crops, or small farmers being put out of business by onerous lawsuits brought by agribusiness. However, the representative did tell the children that they shouldn’t save seeds, because some farmers have “gotten into trouble” for doing that. Lord, help us!

So, now that we in America have finally begun to wake up to our homegrown epidemic of junk food-related childhood obesity and the myriad health issues it brings about, are our buddies at Monsanto starting to worry? As schools are removing their soda, ice cream and candy machines, offering more healthful lunches and food choices, and teaching kids about growing plants and vegetables, is it Monsanto’s evil plan to infiltrate gym classes to portray agribusiness as the savior of mankind? Could such disinformation possibly be a part of the corporate-sponsored and designed Common Core school curriculum that’s now been mandated across the nation? Regardless of your opinion of the Common Core, you’ll likely agree that Monsanto’s agenda for our schools is rotten to the core.