Find a Business Near: Massachusetts

Below is a list of all cities within the State of Massachusetts in which we have business listings. If you do not see your city within the list below, You can add a business for just $49.95 per year. To add a business submit your info here.

Find a Business Near: Massachusetts

Population for Massachusetts: 7,029,917

Total Males: 3,335,992
Total Females: 3,537,011
Median Household Income: $84,385
Total Households: 2,646,980
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Number of Firms, Establishments, Employment, and Payroll by Employee Size for Massachusetts (2020)
Massachusetts 01: Total 145,328 181,061 3,386,372 $238,938,268
Massachusetts 02: <5 employees 84,149 84,286 138,431 $8,172,067
Massachusetts 03: 5-9 employees 24,395 24,648 159,726 $7,702,824
Massachusetts 04:10-14 employees 10,051 10,301 116,987 $5,903,491
Massachusetts 05: 15-19 employees 5,427 5,741 89,980 $4,689,365
Massachusetts 06: <20 employees 124,022 124,976 505,124 $26,467,747
Massachusetts 07: 20-24 employees 3,338 3,633 71,649 $3,819,072
Massachusetts 08: 25-29 employees 2,288 2,516 59,808 $3,250,027
Massachusetts 09: 30-34 employees 1,682 1,918 51,992 $2,774,784
Massachusetts 10: 35-39 employees 1,334 1,548 47,644 $2,604,388
Massachusetts 11: 40-49 employees 1,855 2,253 77,739 $4,321,646
Massachusetts 12: 50-74 employees 2,528 3,252 140,104 $8,368,347
Massachusetts 13: 75-99 employees 1,212 1,940 90,105 $6,163,267
Massachusetts 14: 100-149 employees 1,307 2,238 126,314 $8,034,365
Massachusetts 15: 150-199 employees 772 1,546 97,761 $6,427,619
Massachusetts 16: 200-299 employees 801 2,043 120,184 $8,551,671
Massachusetts 17: 300-399 employees 470 1,578 84,388 $5,627,067
Massachusetts 18: 400-499 employees 330 1,380 64,100 $4,459,167
Massachusetts 19: <500 employees 141,939 150,821 1,536,912 $90,869,167
Massachusetts 20: 500-749 employees 538 2,191 114,829 $9,149,910
Massachusetts 21: 750-999 employees 304 1,086 72,950 $5,897,720
Massachusetts 22: 1,000-1,499 employees 451 2,174 131,398 $9,475,675
Massachusetts 23: 1,500-1,999 employees 275 1,544 94,027 $8,677,189
Massachusetts 24: 2,000-2,499 employees 206 1,124 69,052 $6,661,782
Massachusetts 25: 2,500-4,999 employees 540 3,165 215,462 $19,233,577
Massachusetts 26: 5,000+ employees 1,075 18,956 1,151,742 $88,973,248
Green Initiatives & Environmental History for: Massachusetts

Basic History

Europeans of various nationalities (but mostly English) sailed offshore to the coast of what is now Massachusetts in the late 16th and early 17th century. Settlement began around 1620. Englishmen soon established fishing and trading posts nearby. Massachusetts has played a significant role in American history since the Pilgrims, seeking religious freedom, founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. As one of the most important of the 13 colonies, Massachusetts became a leader in resisting British oppression. In 1820 Massachusetts constitution was considerably liberalized. It is the only one of the original 13 states that is still governed under its original constitution, the one of 1780, although this was extensively amended by the constitutional convention of 1917-19.

Environmental History

Maple, birch, beech, oak, pine, hemlock cover the Massachusetts uplands. Various ferns, maidenhair, and osmund grow throughout the state. Listed as threatened or endangered plants were the bulrush, and small whorled pogonia. Common native mammals include the white-tailed deer, bobcat, river otter, skunk, mink, raccoon, black bear, gray fox, muskrat, porcupine, beaver, red and gray squirrels, snowshoe hare and little brown bat. 21 Massachusetts animal species were classified as threatened or endangered that included the American burying beetle, the bald eagle, puma, shortnose sturgeon, five species of whale, and four species of turtle.

Green Initiatives

Hotel and Lodging facilities in Massachusetts incorporate thinking green, acting green and are making proactive efforts to reduce impact on the environment with operations like recycling paper, plastic, glass, cardboard and metals; using food based, organic general purpose cleaner; using cfl light bulb replacement program; creating sustainable and seasonal garden; switching to biodiesel fuel; encouraging landscape, garden composting, and propagation of plants and flowers; using organic guest soaps and shampoo, guest towel reuse program, ecosmart laundry equipment, and reduced flow shower heads. The Green Grants Initiative of Massachusetts encourages, challenges and supports all congregations in environmental stewardship. It encourages conserving natural resources, and teaching environmentally responsible practices. Other examples include encouraging bulk purchasing of earth-friendly office and hospitality supplies; identifying, funding and accomplishing important energy efficiency improvements to facilities, such as lighting and window upgrades, weatherization, etc. They conduct workshops that cover common challenges to energy conservation.